December 29, 2021

10 Week Weight Loss Group

I am offering a new way to lose weight. One where there is no weighing or measuring. No forbidden foods or bad foods. No exercise regimes or diet plans. Willpower is not even needed.

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Are you looking to lose weight?

New Year’s Resolution to get healthier?

Keep putting off losing those extra pounds?

Are you an eating machine? A slave to your cravings?

Help is here

I am offering a new way to lose weight. One where there is no weighing or measuring. No forbidden foods or bad foods. No exercise regimes or diet plans. Willpower is not even needed.  

This is a permanent way to lose weight and maintain that weight loss for life.

It may sound too good to be true, but it is totally possible. By harnessing the power of your mind through hypnotherapy I can help you to finally have the body you have always wanted.  

In 10 weeks, I will change your mind set towards food and eating. I will remove the layers of guilt and shame surrounding food, meaning that you no longer feel the need to comfort eat. All of this through using the power of your imagination. 

Hypnotherapy allows me to access to your sub-conscious directly. As a hypnotherapist I specialise in the language of the mind. By using positive affirmations and the power of your imagination we can then make great changes in your life.

Together we:

- Investigate the reasons why you may be eating.

- Help you to stop emotional eating and give you new tools to deal with your emotions.

- Help you to stop snacking and other bad eating habits

- Give you healthy eating habits and behaviours

- Help you notice exactly how much you are eating

- Get you back in contact with your body and your natural signals

- Build your confidence and empower you to take control of your eating habits

- Change your thoughts and emotions about food

- Look at how food is viewed by society and the presumptions that are made about food

- Understand the part the media, our busy lives and society play in our eating habits

The Details

Through gentle, positive hypnotherapy and group discussions you will become more confident around food. You will also learn to listen to your body, and work with your body to easily lose the weight you want to lose for good. All the while building your self-esteem and making you feel great.

This course is an investment in yourself. An investment in starting to love and trust yourself.An investment in allowing yourself to feel good, empowered and confident. The best decision you have made. So come join me, bring a mate if you want, to change your relationship with food forever. This is so much more than a weight loss plan.

This workshop will run one day a week over 10 weeks, for about 90 minutes each session.

Each week will include a hypnotherapy session. 

Spaces are limited for each course, so that I can ensure that everyone gets the most out of the experience and to ensure that everyone gets the one-on-one support they need.

People who have done this course say:

Fabulous programme. Well done’

‘It really made me think about food and my eating habits.’

‘Finally, I have control over my eating, and I understand myself. No more beating myself up with diets’

‘I have struggled with my weight for years, and this is the first time I have stopped to work out why. Thank you’

‘I’m so glad I did the course. Well worth the money’

Come join us and change your life

For more information, or just a chat, please contact me on 07742 209312 or

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