January 24, 2023

The Power of Positivity

The standard response that those who have mental health issues hear is ‘just think positive’. This can be infuriating as it is something that can be very hard to do, and certainly is not a magic wand.

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The standard response that those who have mental health issues hear is ‘just think positive’. This can be infuriating as it is something that can be very hard to do, and certainly is not a magic wand. However, a positive mental attitude can really assist with mental health issues.

We all see the world differently, from our own unique perspective. Our view of the world is coloured by our own personal beliefs. If you are a bit of a pessimist, then you are more likely to notice the negatives in life and dismiss or ignore the positives. If you have experienced a trauma, you are more likely to view the world as a scary place. We also often do not see things until our attention is drawn to them.

Therefore, sometimes it can be useful to make an effort to change your perspective. If you are aware that as a result of your history or your current situation you are more likely to see things from a particular perspective, you can make an effort to see another perspective. This can then help change
your mindset and improve your mental health. This is why there are lots of self-help books out there talking about the power of positivity. This small step can really help to stop things spiralling, becoming overwhelming, and leading to serious mental health issues.

There is a saying that ‘Happiness is not a destination; it is a way of life.’ This is very true. In order to be happy, you have to find the happiness in things. Even in the depths of a dark depression, you have to hold onto that light of hope and find the good things to help you to remember that the dark clouds will pass eventually. As one of my clients once said, ‘rainbows need rain to exist’ and ‘we need our cracks, as it is through these that the sun shines’.

Sometimes, in order to really appreciate something, you have to experience what life would be like without it. Walking to the shops is such a small inconsequential thing normally, however during lockdown we all loved and looked forward to this tiny bit of freedom each day. This is why you often find that great comics suffer from terrible depression, Spike Milligan, Stephen Fry and Robin Williams to name but a few. 

I recommend to everyone that they stop and work out what makes them happy, and then they find ways that they can ensure that they include these happy things in their daily lives. It is important to have holidays to look forward to, and to have days out with friends and family. However, you also need to ensure that you include fun and happiness in your daily life. This is why hobbies, family, friends and pets can be so important to our mental health.

Therefore, the power of positivity, happiness, fun and laughter to our general mental health should not be underestimated. Everyone needs to ensure that they have these in their lives.  Start learning good mental health habits today by making them an important part of your daily routine.

For more information, or just a chat, please contact me on 07742 209312 or nicole@greenoaktherapies.co.uk

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